Altrafine Gums: Leading the Way in Hydrocolloids and Natural Gums

Altrafine Gums stands at the forefront of the hydrocolloids and natural gums industry, offering a wide range of products, including food-grade thickeners, gelling additives, stabilizing agents, and emulsifying additives. In a highly competitive market filled with synthetic substitutes and various additives, Altrafine Gums presents products that not only compete but often surpass existing solutions in terms of quality and effectiveness.

State-of-the-Art Infrastructure and Innovative Technology

Altrafine Gums prides itself on having state-of-the-art infrastructure capable of producing top-tier products that meet the highest quality standards. The company’s dedicated team of professionals continuously seeks out new technologies and methods to enhance product quality. This relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence drives Altrafine Gums to remain a leader in the industry.

Commitment to Quality and Customer Satisfaction

At the heart of Altrafine Gums is a consumer-centric approach, aiming to satisfy clients from diverse industries. The company is committed to delivering products with uncompromising quality control and prompt services. Each product undergoes rigorous environmental and chemical testing by skilled personnel, ensuring it meets the bacteriological standards crucial for the food processing industry.

Altrafine Gums

Global Recognition and Industry Leadership

Setting groundbreaking milestones, Altrafine Gums has been recognized as the first award winner in Gujarat for being the biggest exporter in the industry. With over 41 years of experience, the company has set benchmarking standards that other businesses in the same line strive to achieve.

Extensive Export Network

The quality of Altrafine Gums’ products is testified by its extensive export network, reaching numerous countries worldwide. From the United States to the United Kingdom, and from Algeria to Argentina, Altrafine Gums’ presence is felt globally. The company’s products are highly sought after in diverse markets, including Australia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, and Japan, among many others. This global presence underscores the trust and demand for Altrafine Gums’ products, demonstrating the company’s ability to meet the diverse needs of international clients.

Altrafine Gums products export network

Rigorous Quality Assurance

Quality is the cornerstone of Altrafine Gums’ operations. The company ensures that all Guar Gum products undergo thorough inspections and stringent quality tests at every production stage. This meticulous process guarantees that each product maintains the highest quality standards, irrespective of the production stage it has passed through.

Altrafine Gums’ quality assurance team is dedicated to preventing contamination at every step, ensuring that the final product remains untainted and meets the company’s high standards. During the final packaging stage, products are packed under strict hygienic conditions using high-standard packaging materials to ensure safety during transit.

Product Range

Altrafine Gums offers a diverse range of products, including:

  • Guar Gum Powder: A natural thickening, stabilizing, and emulsifying agent widely used in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries.
  • Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder: Specifically designed for rapid hydration and high viscosity, essential for applications in the oil and gas industry.
  • Cassia Tora Powder: Used as a thickener and gelling agent in food and pet food industries.
  • Tamarind Kernel Powder: Employed in the textile and paper industries for its thickening and sizing properties.
  • Sesbania Gum Powder: Applied in various industrial applications, including textiles, oil drilling, and personal care products.
  • Fenugreek Gum Powder: Known for its health benefits, used in food and pharmaceuticals.
  • Psyllium Husk and Powder (Isabgol): A natural fiber supplement that aids in digestive health and is used in dietary supplements.
Altrafine Gums products

Unwavering Commitment to Excellence

Altrafine Gums’ commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of its operations. From sourcing high-quality raw materials to implementing rigorous processing standards, the company ensures that its products are unparalleled in quality. The quality assurance team, with vast knowledge and expertise, plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the products throughout the manufacturing process.


Altrafine Gums has established itself as a leader in the hydrocolloids and natural gums industry by offering superior products and maintaining rigorous quality standards. With a strong focus on innovation, customer satisfaction, and global reach, the company continues to set benchmarks in the industry. Whether it’s Guar Gum Powder, Cassia Tora Powder, or any other product, Altrafine Gums ensures unmatched quality and reliability.

FAQs – Altrafine Gums

Q1: What types of products does Altrafine Gums offer?

Altrafine Gums offers a range of hydrocolloids and natural gums, including Guar Gum Powder, Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder, Cassia Tora Powder, Tamarind Kernel Powder, Sesbania Gum Powder, Fenugreek Gum Powder, and Psyllium Husk & Powder.

Q2: How does Altrafine Gums ensure the quality of its products?

Altrafine Gums ensures quality through stringent quality control measures at every stage of production, rigorous environmental and chemical testing, and adherence to high standards in packaging and handling.

Q3: In which industries are Altrafine Gums' products used?

The products are used in various industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, textiles, oil and gas, and personal care.

Q4: What is the significance of mesh sizes in Guar Gum Powder?

Mesh size refers to the fineness of the powder. 100 Mesh Guar Gum Powder has a coarser texture, while 200 Mesh Guar Gum Powder is finer. The choice of mesh size depends on the specific application requirements.

Q5: What are the benefits of using Guar Gum Powder?

Guar Gum Powder acts as a natural thickening, stabilizing, and emulsifying agent. It enhances the texture and shelf-life of food products, aids in drug formulation in pharmaceuticals, and is used in hydraulic fracturing in the oil and gas industry.

Q6: How long has Altrafine Gums been in the industry?

Altrafine Gums has been in the industry for over 41 years, marking significant milestones and setting benchmarks in quality and innovation.

Q7: What makes Altrafine Gums a preferred supplier globally?

Altrafine Gums is preferred globally due to its commitment to quality, extensive export network, innovative technology, and customer-centric approach.

Q8: How does Altrafine Gums contribute to sustainability?

Altrafine Gums ensures sustainable practices by maintaining high standards in raw material sourcing, reducing environmental impact during production, and ensuring safe and hygienic packaging.

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Unlocking the Potential of Refined Cassia Gum Powder: Exploring its Gelling Properties

Refined cassia gum powder, derived from the seeds of Cassia tora or Cassia obtusifolia, has garnered attention in various industries for its multifunctional properties. Among its many applications, its gelling properties stand out, offering a range of benefits in food formulation and beyond. This article delves into the gelling properties of refined cassia gum powder, its applications, and its significance in various industries.

Understanding Refined Cassia Gum Powder:

Refined cassia gum powder is characterized by its high content of galactose side chains, which distinguishes it from other galactomannans. This unique composition plays a crucial role in its gelling properties, making it an effective additive in numerous applications.

Gelling Properties:

The gelling properties of refined cassia gum powder stem from its ability to interact with water molecules and form a gel-like structure. The presence of galactose side chains facilitates this process, allowing the gum to create stable gels with excellent texture and consistency.


Refined cassia gum powder finds extensive use in various industries, primarily as a:

Gelling Agent:

In food formulation, cassia gum serves as a reliable gelling agent, imparting viscosity and stability to products. It is particularly valuable in applications where gel formation is desired, such as in dairy products, desserts, and confectionery.


The thickening properties of cassia gum make it a preferred choice in food and beverage manufacturing. It enhances the texture and mouthfeel of products while improving overall stability.


Cassia gum acts as an emulsifier, facilitating the uniform dispersion of oil and water phases in food products. This property is essential in creating smooth and creamy textures in various formulations.


As a stabilizer, cassia gum helps maintain the structural integrity of food products, preventing phase separation and ensuring uniform consistency.


The utilization of refined cassia gum powder offers several advantages:

Reduced Usage Levels: Due to its high gelling efficiency, refined cassia gum powder requires smaller quantities compared to other gelling agents, resulting in cost savings for manufacturers.

Texture Enhancement: The gels formed by cassia gum impart desirable texture attributes to food products, such as creaminess, smoothness, and mouthfeel.

Clean Label Appeal: Refined cassia gum powder is a natural ingredient, making it suitable for clean label formulations that appeal to health-conscious consumers.

Enhanced Formulation Flexibility:

One of the key advantages of refined cassia gum powder is its ability to offer formulation flexibility to food manufacturers. Its compatibility with a wide range of ingredients and processing conditions allows for the creation of diverse product formulations. Whether used as a standalone gelling agent or combined with other hydrocolloids to achieve specific texture profiles, cassia gum provides formulators with ample opportunities for innovation. This flexibility extends to various food categories, including dairy alternatives, plant-based meats, sauces, and dressings, where cassia gum can play a pivotal role in achieving desired product attributes.

Regulatory Compliance and Safety:

Refined cassia gum powder is subject to rigorous quality control measures to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and safety requirements. Manufacturers adhere to strict protocols throughout the production process, from sourcing raw materials to final product packaging, to guarantee product integrity and purity. Additionally, cassia gum undergoes thorough testing for microbiological safety and chemical contaminants, providing assurance to consumers and regulatory authorities alike. Its status as a natural ingredient further enhances its appeal, aligning with consumer preferences for clean label products free from synthetic additives.

Sustainable Sourcing and Environmental Impact:

As consumer awareness of sustainability grows, the sourcing and environmental impact of food ingredients have become significant considerations for manufacturers. Refined cassia gum powder offers a sustainable solution, derived from renewable plant sources with minimal environmental impact. The cultivation of cassia plants requires relatively low water and land resources, making it an eco-friendly option compared to certain other hydrocolloids. Additionally, cassia gum production generates minimal waste, with by-products often repurposed for other applications or utilized as animal feed. By incorporating cassia gum into their formulations, manufacturers can align with sustainability goals while delivering high-quality products to consumers.

In conclusion, refined cassia gum powder stands out as a versatile ingredient with valuable gelling properties that benefit a wide range of industries, particularly the food sector. Its ability to enhance texture, stability, and formulation flexibility makes it a preferred choice for manufacturers seeking innovative solutions. With a commitment to quality, safety, and sustainability, refined cassia gum powder continues to shape the landscape of modern food production, offering functional benefits and meeting evolving consumer preferences.

FAQ About Refined Cassia Gum Powder

1. How does refined cassia gum powder compare to other gelling agents?

Refined cassia gum powder offers comparable gelling properties to carrageenan and other galactomannans but with the advantage of requiring smaller usage levels to achieve the same effect.

2. Can refined cassia gum powder be used in vegan and vegetarian products?

Yes, refined cassia gum powder is plant-based and suitable for use in vegan and vegetarian formulations, making it a versatile option for a wide range of products.

3. Are there any limitations to using refined cassia gum powder?

While refined cassia gum powder is highly effective in many applications, its gelling properties may be influenced by factors such as pH, temperature, and the presence of other ingredients. It is essential to conduct thorough testing to determine the optimal conditions for its use.

4. Is refined cassia gum powder suitable for use in gluten-free products?

Yes, refined cassia gum powder is gluten-free, making it suitable for use in gluten-free formulations and catering to consumers with dietary restrictions.

5. How can manufacturers incorporate refined cassia gum powder into their formulations?

Refined cassia gum powder can be hydrated in water and then added to the formulation during the mixing or cooking process. It is essential to follow recommended usage levels and procedures for best results.

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PM CARES Fund for COVID-19 – A Helping Hand in Tough Times

Coronavirus Pandemic, also known as COVID-19, has emerged as a major threat all around the world. The rapid spread of this disease in most of the countries worldwide gives an idea about its severity. Till now there are more than 36,00,000 cases globally and the number is constantly increasing. In the absence of an effective vaccine, countries are forced to impose lockdowns to stop the spread of the coronavirus disease. Apart from the health aspect, it has badly affected the businesses and industries all around the world.

Especially for countries like India with a large population, the situation is more critical. The Government of India has taken preventive measures from the beginning and it has helped in flattening the curve. However, because of the countrywide lockdown, the situation has become very difficult for the people surviving on daily wages and other small businesses. Considering the severity of the situation, the Prime Minister of India, announced PM CARES Fund to fight COVID-19 on various fronts.

What is PM CARES Fund for COVID-19?

Today, the entire world is affected by life-threatening Coronavirus Pandemic and the number of cases is increasing day by day in India as well. On March 28, 2020 our Prime Minister launched ‘Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund’ (PM CARES Fund for COVID-19) to gather public contributions to fight against COVID-19. It is an effort to facilitate people who want to donate and contribute to the fight against Coronavirus Pandemic.

PM CARES Fund for COVID-19

Objectives of PM CARES Fund for COVID-19

The primary objective of PM CARES Fund for COVID-19 is to undertake and support relief relating to a public health emergency. It is also aimed to render financial assistance and provide grants of payments to the affected population. This fund consists of voluntary contributions from organizations or individuals and it will be utilized in achieving the pre-defined objectives.

How To Contribute in PM CARES Fund for COVID-19?

Various organizations and personalities have come forward and extended financial aid to the government. People who want to contribute to the PM CARES Fund can visit the official website and donate. Here are the steps for making donations to PM CARES Fund for COVID-19.

  1. Visit the official website –
  2. Click on the link ‘CLICK HERE FOR DONATION DETAILS’
  3. Select the appropriate option and proceed

Altrafine – Standing Strong with the Nation

At Altrafine, we are committed to stand strong with the nation in these tough times. In our effort to support the cause, we have donated Rs.5,00,000 to PM Cares Fund for COVID-19. We feel that urgent emergency resources are the need of the hour to fight the COVID-19 crisis strongly. It will help the medical fraternity and the front line workers in the fight against Coronavirus pandemic as well as help the Government in managing the situation more efficiently.


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Global Fenugreek Gum Powder Market Trend Analysis

Over the last decade, the specialty food ingredient market has been growing at a healthy rate. This can be directly related to the growing awareness of the health benefits offered by these products. When it comes to the consumption of food, the majority of the consumers prefer natural and healthy products because of the constantly increasing obesity rates and various diseases caused due to the consumption of junk and unhealthy food products. Now, people have started including natural food products in their regular diets. All these aspects have fueled the demand for Fenugreek Gum Powder globally.

Fenugreek is mainly grown in Asia, Africa and the Middle East and it is also known as ‘Methi’. Fenugreek Gum Powder is very popular and widely used in the Indian subcontinent because of its unique properties and health benefits. It is widely used in a variety of applications in the food industry. The high demands of natural food ingredients by food manufacturers to fulfill the needs of health-conscious consumers are also contributing to the growth of the global Fenugreek Gum Powder market.

Fenugreek Gum Powder

Fenugreek Gum Powder

Fenugreek Gum Powder Market Segmentation

The global Fenugreek Gum Powder market is primarily segmented based in nature, end-use, functions and regions. On the basis of nature, the Fenugreek Gum Powder market is classified into organic and conventional. Based on end-use, the market is segmented into the food industry, the pharmaceutical industry and dietary supplements. In terms of functions, the global Fenugreek Gum Powder market is classified as a thickening agent, stabilizing agent and emulsifying agent. On the basis of region, the Fenugreek Gum Powder market is segmented into North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Europe and Middle East & Africa.

Growing Demand of Fenugreek Gum Powder and Other Natural Ingredients

Nowadays, people are getting more and more health-conscious and adopting a healthy lifestyle. The majority of consumers choose natural and organic products to meet their nutritional needs. They prefer to go for the products having the details of ingredients, features and benefits. These factors are gradually increasing the demand for natural food ingredients like Fenugreek Gum Powder in the food industry. Fenugreek Gum Powder is widely used in the preparation of food products like ice creams, candies, sweets, chewing gums and pickles. Besides, it is also used in the pharmaceutical industry for the treatment of diabetes and reducing cholesterol levels. Because of its unique properties, it gives good viscosity and longer shelf life to the products. It is also one of the most important factors for the increasing demand of Fenugreek Gum Powder in the food industry.

Growing Demand of Fenugreek Gum Powder

Growing Demand of Fenugreek Gum Powder

Fenugreek Gum Powder Market Opportunities

The Asia Pacific region has the highest market share in the Fenugreek Gum Powder market as compared to other regions. India is the largest producer of Fenugreek crops in the world and it also has a high consumption in the country. As a result, Fenugreek Gum Powder as a food ingredient has immense potential in the country. Similarly, the increasing awareness of the health benefits offered by Fenugreek has created a great opportunity worldwide.

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Bulk Quantity Exporter of Cumin Seeds from India

Cumin seeds are one of the routinely used ingredients that are widely used in India, the Middle East, and North Africa etc. This cumin and other value-added products from cumin are used in food flavoring and perfumery. Cumin contains cumin aldehyde i.e. the major active principle and volatile oil. It helps to form the main component for many spice mixes and curry powder. Additionally, there are also various health benefits of cumin seeds.

The scientific name of cumin is Cuminum cyminum L and is known as Jeera, Zeera or Saffaid Jeera in Hindi. The exterior of the fruit has 5 primary edges and the plant is 15-50 cm high. The flower of the plant is white or rose-colored. Cumin seed is one of the popular Indian spices and indispensable flavoring agents that is been used in different cuisines of the world.  It gives a warm feeling of cooking like certain soups, curries etc.

Different health benefits of cumin seeds can be explained as follows-

  • Cumin seeds are known for its antioxidant, anti-flatulent, carminative properties. They are an excellent source of dietary fiber.
  • The active principles of cumin help in digestion by augmenting gastrointestinal juice (enzyme) secretions.
  • It has an excellent source of minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium and many more.
  • Different minerals present in the seeds have various benefits like copper for production of red blood cells, iron for the formation of red blood cell, zinc regulates growth and development and potassium helps in controlling of heart rate and blood pressure.
  • It contains B-complex vitamins and anti-oxidant vitamins such as vitamin A, E, and C.
  • Cumin seeds are a rich source of carotenes, zeaxanthin, and lutein.
  • Many components of cumin reduce the growth of foodborne bacteria and different kind of infectious fungi.
  • It has an aromatic odor, bitter taste and is used as a condiment and seasonings in cakes, bread, cheese etc.
  • It is also used as a stimulant, stomachic and astringent.
  • It plays an important role in ayurvedic medicinal traditions like cumin along with ghee has various health benefits.
  • A great herb for digestive disorders and plays an important role with its anti-bacterial property

These qualities of cumin seeds provide antioxidants, iron and potential benefits for controlling blood sugar. Other benefits include weight loss, improved blood cholesterol etc. There are also other health benefits of cumin seeds. For high-quality seeds, we at Altrafine Gums are bulk quantity exporter of cumin seeds that are useful in various industries. Along with this, we are also exporter and manufacturer of guar gum powder, fast hydration guar gum powder, cassia tora powder, Psyllium husk powder etc. For high-quality product contact us today and know more about how they are used in different industries.

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Application of Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder in Shale Gas Industry

Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder also known as quick hydration guar gum powder is used in different industries like paper, textile processing, explosives, Oil & Shale Gas Industry, and many more industries. This guar gum powder achieves more than 85 % of viscosity as compared to regular guar gum powder. This the main reason for fast hydration guar gum powder is been considered as the best ingredient for oil and shale gas industry in order to increase the production. It belongs to the category of industrial grade guar gum.

Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder in Oil & Shale Gas Industry

  • Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder works as a surfactant, deformer, and synthetic polymer for all rheological requirements of water-based and brine-based drilling fluids
  • It is also been used for all industrial needs of oil well drilling, diesel slurry, and constant manufacturing
  • In the industry like oil well drilling, fast hydration guar gum powder performs multiple tasks like viscosity control, water loss control and lubrication
  • It helps to reduce friction significantly reducing the power cost of the overall drilling process.
  • Due to the high viscosity of fast hydration guar gum powder, it is used for cooling of drill bits, cementing slurries, mud drilling where instant hydration and viscosity is required.
  • Along with its function of viscosity it is also been used as thickener, stabilizer & suspending agent in oil well stimulation, mud drilling, oil well manufacturing including different industries as well.
  • Fast hydration guar gum powder contains hydrocolloids that are considered as great thickeners and is used to mix with starch for oil & gas recovery
  • It prevents water loss thus reducing the cost and improving the production rate

Impact of Fast Hydration Guar in Oil Exploration Sector

Properties of Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder –

  • Soluble in Cold Water
  • Exhibits Strong Hydrogen Bonding Properties
  • Has excellent thickening, emulsion, stabilizing and film forming properties
  • Stability to control rheology by water phase management

These qualities of fast hydration guar gum powder help to increase the industrial capacity to sustain oil recovery. It is been considered highly cost-effective in the oil extraction process. Altrafine Gums offers fast hydration guar gum powder so as to grasp and helps to meet the diverse needs of the customers. We offer a product with excellent features like long shelf-life, transparency, and precision composition. Thus, our effort satisfies the diverse needs of the market competently. Our other products include guar gum powder, cassia tora powder, tamarind kernel powder, sesbania gum powder, fenugreek gum powder, and many more products. To know more about the product contact us today and also get acquainted with other products been used in different industries.

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Comparison between Guar Gum Powder & Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder

Guar plant is majorly grown in India and Pakistan since several thousand years as a vegetable, and a forage crop. After World War II, due to major scarcity of locust bean gum in textile and paper industry, the guar gum received commercial attention. At that time, the technology of guar extraction was commercialized in many countries. And their application started in various industries like Food & Beverages, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics, Tobacco, etc due to its distinct properties such as thickening, viscosity, emulsifying and solubility in cold water.

Guar Gum Powder – Evolution& Applications

  • Guar gum was introduced in oil industry as it is viciousness in nature. Though its usage was less exhaustive till 2005 as it delayed to provide viscosity in substances.
  • Necessity is truly a mother of invention. The evolution of guar gum took place to enhance its usability. Resultantly, fast hydration guar gum powder (FHGGP) wasinstigated in the economy.
  • FHGGP is obtained by processing guar gum with certain additives which can boost its viscosity.It is also known as rapid hydration guar gum powder and diesel slurry guar gum.
  • It is used to increase the production of oil & gas and in industries like well drilling, oil & gas drilling.
  • It is commonly used for applications where quick hydration and high lethal viscosity is required. It fulfills the rheological requirements necessary in water-based and brine-based drilling fluids.
  • During drilling, it is important to maintain the balance the viscosity level, the rapid hydration guar gum not only helps to balance viscosity level but also allows a smoother operation with reduced friction in the holes.
  •  FHGGP promotes efficiency in process with minimal water loss and less consumption of power. It is also used to cool drilling bits, cementing slurries and continuous fracturing in the oil and gas drilling industries. Thus, it enables easy and rapid oil derivation utilizing less time and resources, leading to more financial gains to producers.
  • Today, 80% of guar gum produced in India is used in Shale oil and gas extraction.

Guar Gum Powder

Important Factors for Guar Gum Powder & Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder

The easy and precise explanation of differences is displayed below:

Factors Guar Gum Powder Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder
Introduction It was introduced as a substitute of locust bean gumwhich was in scare. It was introduced to make it usable in oil industry.
Viscous&Quick Hydration It takes almost two hours to provide viscosity to any suitable substance. It starts providing viscosity to substance within few minutes.
Health Benefits It helps in relieving certain ailments and promotes weight loss. It is not suitable for food grade due to its high viciousness.
Application Food grade, Paper,Textile, Cosmetics, etc Geological drilling, Oil and shale gas industry, etc
How does it work? It works asbinder, stabilizer, and thickening agent. It also retains moisture in various items. It works as surfactant, synthetic polymer, defoamer and fracturing agent in industries.
How does it help industries? It helps industries to preserve products and make the products attractive. Thus, it improves profitability of industries. It increases the industries’ capacity to sustain oil recovery.

The evolutionof guar gum has not been curbed yet.  The processors undertake various measures to enhance its properties to widen its scope in unexplored areas.

About Altrafine

Altrafine is one of the foremost procurers, processors and suppliers of guar gum in India. We have come from a long way, as we came into existence in 1982.We offer a wide range of products which includes Guar Gum Powder, FHGGP, Cassia Tora Powder, Sesbania Gum Powder, Psyllium Husk Powder and many more. We have advanced infrastructure, inquisitive R&D department, and resourceful staff which promoted us to bring innovations in the industry whichhas made us renowned worldwide. We believe in fulfilling strong commitments, by delivering quality supplies and unmatched customer support at competitive rates to our valued customers across the globe.

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Trend Analysis of the Guar Business and Future Insights

Guar gum powder is also known as guar flour, procured from seeds of Guar plant. Since many years, it has been cultivated in countries like India and Pakistan but to meet the increasing demand of guar gum powder, countries such as Brazil, South Africa, Australia and USA (Southern states of USA such as Arizona and Texas) started importing guar gum and its derivatives.

Why Guar Gum Powder is Trending Worldwide?

  • One can witness the usage of Guar Gum powder in almost every growing industry.
  • Visible growth has been seen in food industry, pharmaceutical industry, textile industry or oil and gas industry.
  • It is quite cost effective as compared to other stabilizers and thickeners.
  • In short, one can conclude that the Guar Gum powder has great importance in wide industrial applications.guar gum powder in India

Industrial applications of Guar Gum Powder

It is used and applied in various industries such as:

  • It is used as stabilizer, water retention agent and thickener in food industry and in other industries like pharmaceutical, textile, cosmetics, paper manufacturing and more.
  • Used in baked food, frozen products, dairy, pet food, feed additives and etc.
  • Used as stabilizer, thickener, viscosifiers and suspending agent in the oil and gas industry.

Consumption of Guar Gum:

Guar gum and its derivatives are consumedin different industries:

  • The consumption of guar gum is 20% in food industry.
  • Guar gum is consumed 10% in industries like pharmaceutical, cosmetics, paper and etc.
  • Major consumption is seen in oil & gas industrywhich is 70%.
  • It is used in oil & gas industry for:
  • Drilling in well, water and geological.
  • Reducing friction in holes which ultimately saves power and water
  • Removing drill waste from deep holes.

Trend Analysis of the Guar Gum Industry

  • 2014: A significant decline in the exports of guar gum was observed due to depreciation of Russian currency.
  • 2015: A notable increase in demand of guar gum was witnessed due to fall in the prices of guar seeds.
  • 2016: A bearish trend was observed in the market of guar gum as the petroleum industry cut down the usage of guar gum due to reduction in oil prices.
  • 2017: In this year, the guar gum was able to achieve its past glory as its demand increased due to demand of gluten free baked products.
  • 2018: Since in this year, the price of crude oil has been raised to a prominent level, the requirement of guar gum is booming.


  • The demand of guar gum is seen to be fluctuating in economy.
  • he development of alternative energies resulted into stable rates of guar seeds, increase in price of oil and many favorable factors resulted into increase of sales of Guar Gum powder.

Future Insights of Guar Business

  • According to studies of a research firm, there is a significant increase in the use of Guar gum in the manufacturing of drugs as it is beneficial to manage health disorders.
  • The demand and supply of guar price not only rely on oil prices but also on production of guar seeds which again relies on natural elements and geographical spread.
  • With widening of geographical spread and awareness about guar, its prices are now moderate which has made it as feasible preference for purchasers.
  • The studies show that the global gum market would surpass US $ 1300 million by the end of 2026.

If you want to experience the best customer service, contact Altrafine Gums.
Altrafine Gums is one of the leading processor and supplier of guar gum powder since last 36 years.  We provide a wide array of products which includes Guar Gum, Cassia Gum, Sesbania Gum Powder, Psyllium Husk Powder and many more.

  • The prime objective of our company is to provide quality products after inspection and quality tests. We use hi-tech machineries to maintain its quality and enhance yield.
  • Our company has set the benchmark by winning the award of Gujarat’s biggest exporter.
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How the Usage of Fast Hydration Guar Has Made Impact in Oil Exploration Sector

The fast or quick hydrating guar gum powder (FHG) is a derived from the guar plant, but unlike the ordinary guar gum powder which causes viscosity in a period of two hours; this achieves almost complete viscosity in just a few minutes. The powder belongs to the category of industrial grade guar gum powder.

Impact of Fast Hydration Guar in Oil Exploration Sector

FANN Viscosity Readings
The FANN viscosity reading is the widely regarded as the standard for measurement of viscosity for the drilling fluids. They are also used in measuring the gel strength of the drilling mud. The viscometer is a rotational cylinder and bob instrument. It has got two operational speeds of 300 and 600 rpm. It is referred to as the direct reading or direct indicating because at a given speed the dial reading reflects a true centipose viscosity.

The viscosity at 2% KCL solution, with 0.48% solution of the guar gum powder on the fann viscometer on 300 RPM at 250 c and stirring at 1500 RPM) is a minimum of 25 CPS in 3 minutes to 45 CPS in 3 minutes.

Color Characteristics
This powder can be separated from the food grade guar based on the color. The food grade guar is usually white in color while the fast hydration guar is pale to off white color.

  • Thixotropic properties of the fast hydrating guar means it has high gelling rate as required in oil extraction.
  • Apart from the gelling properties, the powder is required to create a gel that is thin enough for easier pumping into the well, while the gel strength increase as it moves through the well and to support the proppant sand and effectively flush it deep into the rock fissures. The gel then has also to be loose enough to flow back and recover the fracking fluid while leaving the proppant behind. This chemical process is very important and to break the gel, chemicals such as Guar + boron + other proprietary fluids are used to accomplish this process.

This unique characteristic is very important in the production of oil and gas during the drilling process. It is applied where quick hydration and high viscosity is required.

This natural slurrible guar is non ionic and a polymeric viscosifier that is slurrible up to 50% of solids in diesel fuel systems and other similar applications. When the product is used in oil fracturing, it yields excellent pump ability, good hydration, good thermal stability and enhanced shelf life of the petroleum products.

The product is mainly used as a surfactant, an artificial polymer and a defoamer which is a critical requirement for water and brine based drilling fluids.

Other Important Uses 
With the primary function of the guar being that of viscosity, it has been seen to function effectively in cooling of drill bits, mud drilling and cementing slurries where these properties are required.

The fast hydration guar has also been heavily used in industry as a stabilizer, thickener and suspending agent in the oil well fracturing agent.


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Issues That Have Hindered the Full Utilization of Cassia Gum Powder in Industry

The cassia gum is well suited for usage in the manufacture of gels mostly in combination with other colloids and it is generally accepted for usage in the food industry. Further functional effects include thickening, emulsification, foam stabilization, moisture retention and texture improvement.

Utilization of Cassia Gum Powder

Through a wide range of toxicological studies, it has been demonstrated that the product is not toxic to animals. These studies include sub chronic, reproductive, teratogenic and genetic toxicity studies.

Presence of Anthraquinones
The presence of anthraquinones has also been a subject of discussion and a limitation to the utilization of the cassia gum powder in certain food and feed formulations. Some theories have stated that certain anthraquinones have been found to be present in animal products. These are bound to the sugars in form of glycosides, with the glycon occurring in the reduced form such as the diathrones or the oxanthrone.  Despite this, only one type of anthraquinone has been detected in the cassia gum powder. Several risk assessments done on the level of carcinogenicity have however concluded that the level of risk is very low compared various other natural ingredients.

According to some research, there has been a level of muscle toxicity associated with the components of cassia obtusifolia, although the cassia Occidentalis appears to be more toxic when present in the mixture. Active steps must therefore be taken to ensure that the cassia gum does not contain harmful levels of muscle toxins resulting from the presence of harmful levels Cassia Obtusifolia among the seeds.

Macroeconomic Indicators
There are certain indicators that directly influence the global cassia gum usage. These are related to growth in markets such as the dairy ingredients usage, confectionaries market, pet food market and usage in the manufacturing industry.

Supply Challenges
With the production of cassia gum being largely done under natural and rain fed conditions, the production capacity is limited to presence of favorable weather conditions and when these are not met, then the availability of the product is limited.

 Research and Development
With the cassia gum exhibiting similar characteristics to other hydrocolloids, it would have been expected for the powder to compete at the same level with others such as the guar gum. However, this has not been the case. There has been limited research and marketing information to create a sufficient demand pull for the cassia powder. Heavy industrial consumers for the hydrocolloids such as in the shale exploration still opt for other types of hydrocolloids.

Standard Processing Method
In the major producers such as China and India, there has been a pronounced absence of rules and regulations that address the productions and processing phases. This has an effect on the final quality of product reaching the market. This has had an impact in the marketability and usage of cassia gum.

With regulations and approvals in various countries around the world and innovations in the cassia gum formulations, there is likely to be more awareness in the potential of the cassia gum powder for industrial usage.

Currently, companies are increasingly utilizing the cassia gum powder in new products mainly in pet food, baby food and production of confectionaries.

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