Challenges and Strategies for Development of Guar Gum Market

From the year 2005, there was a rapid shift in the usage patterns of the guar gum. Before then the major demand sectors for the guar was the food grade which consumed over 50% of the domestic production. There was also some demand for the fast hydration guar gum powder used in the paper and the cosmetic manufacturing.

This however changed when guar gum usage was directed to the oil and gas drilling operations. This industry now forms the bulk of the demand for the guar gum. Demand for the product has reached up to 70% of the total production. The rest is taken up by other industries such as textiles and food processing.


The prices of this product have a very high positive correlation with the shale gas exploration. Negative price movements have had major impacts on the overall well being of the industry.

guar gum powder in India

Current Challenges

  • Price uncertainties; these have caused mixed reactions among users which compel them to develop alternative products and processes to achieve the same goals.
  • Supply challenges; the production of guar plant is much dependent on the monsoon rainfall. When these get delayed, forecasting the production levels becomes very difficult, thus creating instability in the market.
  • Quality product; this is a very important element especially in the food grade guar gum powder. Slight contamination leads to serious consequences including product withdrawal, and export bans especially from Europe and the UK.
  • Usage of proplant; the guar gum is used in industry for increasing the viscosity of the proplant. Market uncertainties have caused the users to consider using slick water that requires less guar usage. This will have serious effect on the future of this product.
  • Earlier calls for reduction in oil and gas exploration have also been a major factor affecting the market of the guar gum.
  • The emergence of other gelling and emulsifying agents such as the synthetic LFC – C4, developed in the UK, will cause a definite shift in the demand curve of the guar.

Strategies for Market Development

To counter the effects of these forces, strategies must continue to be developed that will help maintain the demand of the product.

  • There is an urgent need to diversify the market to other major oil producers and other places where oil and gas exploration is emerging.
  • Greater resources must be put into research and development to discover other uses for the product.
  • There is also need for continued research on better processing technologies that will eliminate challenges associated with poor quality. These include production using high quality seeds as well, proper production practices, good extraction technology as well as packaging , branding and market promotion.
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Why Manufacturers are Shifting to Fenugreek from other Hydrocolloids?

The fenugreek seed has the galactomannan content ranging between 35- 50 % of the total weight of the seed. The main chemicals in the seed include the galactomannans, steroidal sapogennins and isoleucine.

The fenugreek is unique than the other gums in that it has a higher rate of galactose substitution with a ratio of 1:1 mannose to galactose. This makes it have a higher solubility in cold water than all other galactomannans. The polysaccharides content in the gum ranges between 60 – 80%.

 The gun has a typical structure of 1→4 linked β-D-mannose backbone with a single unit of galactose side chains alpha linked at the 0-6 oxygen.

Fenugreek versus Guar Gum

The fenugreek produces lesser viscosity when compared to the Guar Gum, but exhibits high hydration rates. Thu gum has a mannose to galactose ratio of 1:1, allowing it to have a higher affinity to water, while the guar has the ratio of 1:2, and therefore lesser water affinity.

The product yields low viscosity compared to other hydrocolloids due to the low molecular weight and has lesser tendency to form molecular aggregates.

Choice of the Fenugreek over Other Hydrocolloids

The gum is very efficient at reduction of the surface tension more than any other existing gums; it also has a greater inter facial activity than any other known galactomannan.

Compared to the other hydrocolloids, it is highly efficient in decreasing this inter facial free energies. Manufacturers are therefore shifting their attention to the fenugreek to provide the much needed emulsion stability as well as increasing the viscosity.

Fenugreek in the Food Industry

When compared to others in the food industry, the gum has good concentrations of minerals such as phosphorus and sulphur. Research has also showed that curry made has high amounts of calcium, Iron and zinc. Other important nutrients contained in the fenugreek include vitamin c, Beta-carotene, thiamine, riboflavin and folic acid. They are also rich sources of dietary fiber, where 100 grams of seed can provide more than 65% of fiber.

Ongoing research has also showed that the gum has an ability to help lactating mothers to release more milk for their babies.

The importance of the fenugreek in foods can be summarized as follows.

  • Sensory properties, texturization and colorization of foods
  • As anti microbial agent in foods

Health Advantages

  • Treatment of constipation and colon irregularities
  • Nutrient requirements enhancements
  • Management of diabetes symptoms
  • Antioxidant activity in the body
  • Lowering of cholesterol levels in the body
  • Reduction of body weight and obesity
  • Anti carcinogenicity effects
  • Galactogogue action in the body

This serves to show why the gum is more preferred by nutritionists as compared to other forms of hydrocolloids.


With the increasing availability of this plant product and considerable affordability, the fenugreek is headed to becoming the preferred galactomannan among its class. Compared to other hydrocolloids such as the guar, it has lesser viscosity but higher hydration potential, which is a very important attribute in industry.

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Reactive Response Shown by Fenugreek Gum Powder in Food Preparation

Food Preparation and Preferences

The seeds are preferred for food preparations for the following aspects,

  • To attain spicy flavor
  • To obtain texture and appeal to the food product
  • For gelling and thickening requirements
  • For disease preventive properties.

seeds preferred for food preparations

Carbohydrate and Mucilaginous Fibers

The seed powder contains rich carbohydrates called mucilaginous fiber which is comprised of galactomannans. They contain 50% fiber and 30% soluble and 20% insoluble fiber. These fibers are good for overall digestion process and helps in lowest rate of glucose absorption.

Fenugreek seeds & Fenugreek  Powder

Chemical Composition and its Advantages

Fenugreek seeds contain a long list of constituents which are rich in medicinal properties. They contain Fenugreekine and Steroidal sapogenin. The steroidal sapogenin helps to inhibit cholesterol absorption and synthesis. In addition to that it also contains components like lecithin and choline that helps to dissolve cholesterol and fatty substance. The seeds are rich in dietary fiber that helps in moderate metabolism of glucose in digestive tracts and therein reduce glucose absorption in the intestines and controls blood sugar. Clinical study proved that it declines cholesterol level in human serum by considerable and regular consumption of fenugreek seeds in food. Apart from that food consumption adding the seed or powder form of seeds as ingredients shows the following results,

  • Slows down carbohydrate absorption
  • Inhibits glucose transport in humans
  • Increase erythrocyte insulin receptors
  • Peripheral glucose utilization
  • Improved pancreatic function
  • Presence of Trigonelline –exerts hypoglycemic effects in healthy patients without diabetes

Fenugreek seeds contain a long list of constituents which rich in medicinal properties

Constituents of Fenugreek Seeds which Support for Reactive Response

Fenugreek gum powder contains lysine and L-tryptophan rich proteins and mucilaginous fiber, saponins [rare chemicals like saponins, phytic acid, scopoletin and trigonelline, presume therapeutic effects,etc. In addition to that it contains high occurrences of calcium, zinc and iron which had been reported in research report made on curry dish prepared with fenugreek seeds. When it comes to presence of micronutrients in the seeds like vitamin C, riboflavin and nicotine acid and β-carotene in high amount, they are found to show realistic effect in terms of helping for body composition. Therefore, this has been proved by consumption of food prepared by using seeds and the reactive response was shown in terms of improving body composition and balancing body fat percentage.

Reactive Response of Gum powder of fenugreek Seeds in pickle Preparation

The raw seeds contain maple flavor and it helps to enhance the food preparation, wherein, the whole seeds are fried and the extracted powdered and included in the preparation of pickles, because they provide gummy texture and balance the effect of other spices like chilly, oil, etc.

Reactive Response of Gum powder of fenugreek Seeds in pickle Preparation

How it works for Intestinal Safety?

When added to food preparations, the presence of seeds helps to protect colon mucus membrane from cancer causing toxins present in other ingredients or vegetables. It helps the intestine to absorption lowest glucose rate and enhances glucose level tolerance as well. However, the consumption has to be practiced regularly. There have been several researches done to justify the reactive response in various people and the results say that recommended usage of seeds in diet can be helpful in experiencing all the medicinal properties for those who are not allergic to food ingredients.


Before stating the medicinal aspects, fenugreek had been used in food preparations since ancient times for the wonderful properties it contained favoring health. Firstly, it contained natural food fiber and other important nutrients (both macro and micro nutrients) and vitamins. Apart from that the chemical compositions have extensive health based advantages when added to food preparations.

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Fast Hydrating Goma Guar – Great Gelling Additive In shell Gas Production

Innovation is critical to development, and this has been proven in oil and gas production. For oil to fully develop in aquifers, it takes a long time and there would be a great scarcity of the product. Therefore fracturing techniques and the discovery of the goma guar have been instrumental in increased oil production.

Global Use In Gas Production

The global rush in oil exploration and production has put increased demand on the production and processing of the goma guar. In the united states alone the demand for the product is over 300,000 metric tones per year. In the fracturing process, it is estimated than one oil well consumes an average 9 metric tonnes. This demand is set to rise as oil production companies engage in the fracking process to gets as much as possible from a well.

Fast Hydrating Goma Guar - Great Gelling Additive In Shale Gas Production

Processing For Hydraulic Fracturing

To improve the flow characteristic, chemical modification of the structure is necessary. It leads to the formation of a structure containing both hydrophobic and hydrophilic chains. Cost considerations are made while determining how to modify the original product. Crosslinking is the preferred method than increasing the amount of the polymer in the fluid. Studies have observed a universal concept in hydration of polymers; When a soluble polymer gets hydrated, the viscosity increases with increasing concentration exponentially. Cross linking is done using borate to achieve the required flow characteristics.

Color and Purity of the Goma Guar Powder

The color and purity of the Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder is an indicator of the level of purity. Product used in the oil field industry has a white to off white color, thus highly purified. The quick hydrating pale white powder exhibits very high viscosity and used in oil drilling as a friction reducer for easier rotation of the drill bit as well as a hydrating agent.

Packaging and Delivery Methods of Goma Guar Powder

Where can you get Goma guar?

With the seeming rush for the product, a good, stable and reliable supply is important. The capacity of a supplier and quality are critical factors to consider when looking for a constant supply. Altrafine Gums, India have a stringent quality management system for processing of the goma guar. Quality assurance and testing is done continuously to ensure the end product meets customer specifications.

Packaging and Delivery Methods of Goma Guar Powder

Multiple market requirements have prompted manufacturers to develop innovative packaging and delivery models. Packaging is done in consideration of factors such as stacking, transport and storage conditionsas well as to avoiding atmospheric contamination. The product is packed in multi walled bags that do not easily break even under tension or compression forces.

Guar Powder Application In Hydraulic Fracturing Additives

The shell or sedimentary rock contains mud, rock and organic matter. Left alone to release gas and hydrocarbons would require thousands of years. To hasten this process, vertical, horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing is done. In fracturing, water, sand and additives are pumped under high pressure to create cracks in the rock. Goma guar thickens the water, allowing the sand to be suspended for delivery to the cracks. The sand causes cracks to remain open and allow crude to flow to the well bore.


Goma guar has gained global usage in the oil production industry. The demand continues to grow as the hydraulic fracturing process becomes the way to go for oil and gas exploration. It is fast hydrating and easily combines with water to create a thick liquid best for the oil fracturing process.

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In What Ways does Fast Hydration Guar Gum help the Process in an Oilfield?

Fast Hydration Guar gum in Oil Production

Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder1

Basic Description of Oilfields and Oil Extraction

An oil field refers to a area or region with an abundance of oil wells that extract crude oil(petroleum) from the ground. In order to enhance full oil extraction then multiple wells are scattered all over the oilfield because the oil reservoirs extend over large tracts of land.

Other additional structures in oil fields include pipelines to transport oil from one place to another, wells that probe the edges, and other support facilities.

Establishing an oilfield is a challenging process this is mainly because most are set up away from civilization .setting up electricity and water as well as houses for the workers, and heating up the pipelines in the cold areas are some of the activities that make setting up oil fields a little challenging. The typical oil field resembles small town that is dotted with drilling rings and pump jacks.

Oil Extraction:

This is the process by which usable petroleum also called crude oil is extracted from the earth. Before extraction begins, a survey is done to see whether the place is oil viable. Gravimeters and magnetometers are some of the equipment used in the search for oil. Extraction starts with drilling of wells into the reservoir. Secondary wells are sometimes used to pump steam acids and water to rise the reservoir pressure and make the process economically viable.

What is Fast Hydration Guar Gum Used for preparing Drill Solutions?

images_guar_oildrillingThis is a specially processed guar gum that is manufactured with double refined splits allows for better filtration and achieved maximum viscosity in three minutes. The gum has different grades that have high viscosity. It is also known as diesel slurry guar gum.

Properties of Fast Hydrating Guar that makes it a useful Industrial Product

Fast hydrating guar gum is used widely in the oil and gas drilling industries as well as oil extraction industry.

  • It is a white-yellow powder that almost has no smell. When dissolved in water it forms a paste with very high viscosity. Its viscosity is a function of concentration time and pressure. This makes it be used as a drilling thickener.
  • It take just three minutes to reach high viscosity while regular guar gum takes almost two hours to achieve the same level of viscosity. It saves both time and resources that yield more profits and is therefore more convenient for the oil drillers.
  • The fast hydration guar gum contains hydrocholloids which are thickeners. It has a thickening capability that is eight times that of water. When combined with starch they are used in oil and gas recovery
  • Fast hydrating guar gum is very soluble which makes it a good stabilizer when used in oil extraction.
  • The guar gum remains very stable even under low freezing temperatures. It can prevent the growth of ice crystals while still working at optimum levels .this comes in as important to oil drilling companies that are located in low temperature regions.
  • From its thickening properties oil drillers and extractors use it to reduce friction in the holes which in turn reduces the power usage.

How Fast Hydration Guar Gum enhances The Oil Extraction Process for Better Production at Oil Field?

Fast hydrating guar gum has just the right physical and chemical properties that make it very useful in the oil extraction process. These properties help it to improve the production in the oilfields.

When used in the right Ph value between 5 and 7 it enhances viscosity it also lubricates the holes and reduces water loss this reduces costs while at the same tie improving the production rates.

The fast hydrating guar gum is also used as a viscosity regulator of the mud solution which stabilizes and regulated the flowing properties of the drilling mud.

Fast hydrating guar gum is also used as a cooling agent in cooling the drilling bits continuous fracturing in the oil and cementing the slurries in the oilfields. This enhances the extraction process.

In the oilfields it is also used as a surfactant and a defoamer as it is well suited for the requirements that are needed in brine-based drilling fluids.

Demand for Fast Hydration Guar

Fast hydrating guar gum has proven to be very useful and economical in the oil extraction industries. It has a wide collection of applications that enhance the oil production process. Its use continues to display exponential growth rates and has therefore raised its demand as well.

More countries all over the world use fast hydrating guar gum in their oilfields because of the properties that we have discussed above. As the number of developing countries that are venturing into oil exploration and extraction increases so does the demand for fast hydrating guar powder.

Currently the total global production of guar gum stands at over 600000 tones with India being one of the main exporters. Owing to its unique applications in a very competitive industry the figures of the products demand keep on rising. For more information please visit:

Ajit Patel

This Article has been written & posted by Ajit Patel.

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Applications of Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder used in Oil & Gas Industries

Properties of Fast Hydration Guar Gum, Its Benefits And Applications

What is fast hydration guar gum powder?

Fast hydration guar gum powder is a powder that is manufactured by grinding and crushing guar beans into powder, which is mainly found in India, china, Australia and Pakistan. It is a polysaccharide that is relatively soluble, has high viscosity and a high thickening ability which makes it very useful when used as an emulsifier.

Comparison of fast hydrating guar gum powder with regular guar gum powder

Guar Gum Powder - 2Fast Hydrating Guar Gum Powder is much more effective than normal guar gum powder in providing viscosity. Within merely three minutes, Fast Hydrating Guar Gum Powder starts giving viscosity, while it takes regular guar gum powder almost two hours to do the same. Thus, Fast Hydrating Guar Gum Powder saves much time and resources, leading to more profits when used in the oil and gas drilling process.

Properties of Fast Hydrating Guar Gum Powder

Fast Hydrating Guar Gum Powder is a fine white powder, soluble in water and with a pH of 5 to 8. It has moisture of 7% maximum. Fast Hydrating Guar Gum Powder is a very good soluble, thus making it a good stabilizer. It is best used in a pH range of 5-7, because its high viscosity reduces significantly in a condition of very high alkalinity or acidity. It has a thickening capability that is 8 times that of water. This makes it very useful when used as an emulsifier. Fast Hydrating Guar Gum Powder is very stable in very low, freezing temperatures, thus can prevent growth of ice crystals, while at the same time working at optimum levels. It achieves viscosity at a very short period of 3 minutes.

Applications of Fast Hydrating Guar Gum Powder in Oil and Gas Industries

Fast Hydrating Guar Gum Powder is very useful in oil and gas industries. In the oil industry, it is used as a synthetic polymer, a surfactant and a defoamer because it is ideal for all the images_guar_oildrillingrheological requirements necessary in water-based and brine-based drilling fluids. In the oil industry, Fast Hydrating Guar Gum Powder is used to regulate the viscosity of the mud solution, hence stabilizing and regulating the flowing properties of the drilling muds. In the oil and gas industries, it is also used to help diminish the friction in the holes, hence reducing the usage of power. It is also used to reduce the losses of water that can occur in a broken geological formation. Fast Hydrating Guar Gum Powder is also used to cool drilling bits, cementing slurries and continuous fracturing in the oil and gas drilling industries.


Fast Hydrating Guar Gum Powder has very useful physical and chemical properties which make it very useful in the oil and gas drilling industries, as well as the food sector. As long as it is used in conditions of pH value of 5-7, it will help to enhance viscosity, lubricate and reduce water loss, thus reducing costs and enhancing productivity. It is very economical, and its usage is set to rise exponentially as more developing countries start oil and gas drilling exploitations to develop their economies. For more information about fast hydrating guar gum powder please visit:

Ajit Patel

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Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder

Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder1

The natural fast hydrating, dispersible and diesel slurriable guar gum is ideally suitable for all rheological requirements of oil well drilling, continuous fracturing and diesel slurry. It is widely used in oil well drilling due to its multi-function such as fluid and water loss control, viscosity control, lubrication. It is used for cooling of drill bits, mud drilling and cementing slurries, where immediate high viscosity and quick hydration is required.The main use of guar gum is in top hole oil well drilling. Industrial grade guar gum powder is suitable for use in oil well fracturing, oil well stimulation, mud drilling and serves as a stabilizer, thickener and suspending agent.

In oil well drilling guar gum used as a surfactant, fracturing fluid and synthetic polymer for all requirements of water based and brine based oil well drills. It attains high viscosity in 3 to 5 minutes of time.

Industrial grade Guar gum powder are use in oil well fracturing, oil well stimulation, mud drilling and industrial applications and preparations as a stabilizer, thickener and suspending agent.

It is a natural, fast hydrating dispersible guar gum and is diesel slurriable.

In the oil field industry, guar gum is used as a surfactant, synthetic polymer and deformer ideally suited for all rheological requirements of water-based and brine-based drilling fluids.

Fast Hydration Guar Gum PowderHigh viscosity Guar Gum products are used as drilling aids in oil well drilling, geological drilling and water drilling.

These products are used as viscosifiers to maintain drilling mud viscosities that enable drilling fluids to remove drill waste from deep holes.

Guar gum products also reduce friction in the holes, and so minimising power requirements. Some Guar Gum products act to minimise water loss should occur in broken geological formations.

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