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What is Kappa Carrageenan?

Carrageenan is a naturally available red colour seaweed species and the weeds are processed by several methods to extract a gelling agent called kappa carrageenan. It is widely applied as a better alternative to conventional gelling ingredients like gelatin.

Properties of Kappa Carrageenan

It can form into a gel like substance and holds the capacity to produce breakable texture. It has the property to balance the water molecules in food items in which it is applied. It also contains the compatibility suitable for hot and cold preparations.

Processing Meat Products with Carrageenan

Kappa Carrageenan gum powder is preferred by popular chefs for its blending quality in food products like processed meat, sea foods, etc. Adding this ingredient gives a fragile texture to the meat and stays an effective option to manage higher productivity.

Manufacturing Benefits in Meat Processing Industry with Kappa Gum Powder

Kappa gum powder is a useful component in preparing meat products. It has the capacity to enhance the texture, flavor; flexibility of the processed meat.  Hence, productivity can be increased by obtaining the consistency, juiciness, and flavor of the product pertaining to the benefits of consumers as well.


Dietary Benefits of Kappa Gum Powder while preparing meat products

Kappa gum powder contains gelling agent that makes it work on dietary aspects also. For example, adding kappa granule extract reduces the fat content as it can increase the moisture content in the meat to make it easily cooked with less oil.

Pet Food Application in Carrageenan Gum

The water holding capacity of carrageenan gum works out effectively when mixed with emulsifying ingredients as more productivity can be obtained while processing meat products and this formula is also applied in the preparation of pet food products.


Kappa Carrageenan extract in Dairy Industry

Kappa gum powder can form into creamy substance when mixed with dairy products. It reacts with milk proteins and turns out into delicate gel and fits perfectly in the preparation of creamy cheese, ice creams, and other creamy dairy products.


Increasing Dairy Product Production with Kappa Gum Granules

Kappa gum granules when applied in low quantity obtain the capacity to prevent separation of milk proteins and forms into a good stabilizing agent as well. This property is applied in chocolate making.

List of Dairy Products Processed with Carrageenan for Supreme Productivity

Carrageenan gum powder is applied in processing dairy products such as cheese formation, chocolates, pudding, deserts, ice cream, etc. Application of this ingredient enhances the productivity as well. Most of the creamy type of dairy products can be prepared by adding kappa gum granules and it has also replaced the application of gelatin and other ingredients which were usually used for gelling. More information about other ingredients which were usually used for gelling, visit –  


Meat and dairy products are meant for fast usage, Carrageenan extracts stay very effective in processing these food products. It also keeps the life of the processed food up to certain time period. Hence, food industry depends on unadulterated kappa granules for safe productivity.

This Article has been written & posted by Ajit Patel.

The Story behind Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Extract

Guar gum powder is known for its thickening, stabilizing and emulsifying properties and it is extracted from guar bean seeds. Similarly the gum extract from guar bean seeds contains soluble fiber which is moderately processed again to obtain a gum product that has relatively lesser thickening property. The final extract obtained from partial processing is called partially hydrolyzed guar gum.

What makes partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum Powder Significant?

PHGG is a significant ingredient that is applied widely in treating patients with frequent loose stools. It contains soluble fibers that help people to fight with irregular or inconvenient bowel movement as the fiber content regulates excretion to take place easily.

How Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Granules are made?

PHGG is made by enzymatic process in which guar gum powder is broken again to some extent. By doing so the thickening property gets reduced and the fiber content becomes highly soluble allowing for easy digestion when added in required quantity.


Industrial Importance of PHGG

PHGG bears high stabilizing property even under low pH and this proves it to be suitable to be included in fiber rich food. It can also enhance the nutritional value of fiber rich food specially prepared for patients suffering from diarrhea.

Health Benefits of PHGG

PHGG is found to be a supportive ingredient that contains medicinal properties such as reducing stomach upset, paid inside the abdomen, etc. It is applied to treat people with constipation as well as to treat those who suffer from bowel syndrome issues.

How do PHGG work effectively to cure patients with Irritating Bowel Movement?

Consuming nutritional supplement that is prepared by adding PHGG helps the victims to regain energy level and stay relaxed from irritable bowel movement. The fiber content is also found to possess prebiotic qualities that take care of the colon.

In what ways PHGG stays Helpful to Prepare Enteral Nutrition

Enteral nutrition is a special feed prepared for people who suffer from extreme irregular bowel syndrome. PHGG stays a suitable ingredient in preparing enteral nutrition tube feed. Consuming this fiber rich tube feed improved the health condition of patients.

Medicinal Advantages of PHGG

PHGG is considered a significant component in clinical diet preparation. It is highly soluble in water as the enzymatic process decreases its viscosity and stay an effective ingredient to be added in enteral nutrition for patients. It is also included in patient diets to increase bifidobacterium in the gut portion.

How People get better with Nutritional Diet Prepared from PHGG?

Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum powder is ultimately soluble and stays stabilized in heat and acid. Hence, Patients fed with dietary food prepared with PHGG can feel betterment from irritating bowel syndrome.

Food Production

Partly Hydrolyzed gum powder is applied in food products to reduce crystal formation, to enhance emulsification and in bakery items that contains less fat content.


Buying first quality PHGG is more important when it comes to clinical usage. Altrafine is a reliable manufacturer and supplier of partially hydrolyzed gum powder as they maintain the quality of gum extracts with the help of experienced research and development team. Pricing for gum extracts is also relatively good at Altrafine.

This Article has been written & posted by Ajit Patel.

Origin of Locust Bean Gum Powder

Locust or carob bean gum is extracted by processing the endosperm of the catatonia siliqua bean seeds. This bean tree is highly found in Mediterranean parts. These bean seeds are processed into granules for the polysaccharides they possess.

Processing Methods Applied to Extract Locust Gum Powder

The endosperm of locust bean seeds are separated from the seeds through the process called dehusking. It involves removal of the tough seed coating and the dehusked seeds are then processed through various mechanisms to obtain the final endosperm in powder format.


Multiple Properties of Locust Bean Powder

Locust bean granule is applied in various industries for the multiple properties it possess such as solubility in water and viscosity.  As far as blending compatibility is concerned, carob gum powder can easily blend with milk proteins and carbohydrates as well.

Industrial Utilities of Locust Bean Gum Granule

Locust gum extract is applied in wide range of industries. Its solubility and viscosity makes it suitable for core industrial activities and its blending compatibility suits for application in food industry.


List of Food Production Applications with Locust Gum

For greater softness and smooth texture locust bean gum granule stays a suitable ingredient; hence, bakeries found reliable application of locust granule. Similarly, instant food preparations like soups, frozen butter, sausages and creams can be produced with good stability with the help of locust bean gum powder.

For what reasons Tobacco and Paper Industry Prefer Locust Granule

Carob gum granule is applied as an additive in paper industry with which better sheet quality is obtained. When mixed with tobacco granules locust granules obtain the same flavor and this by product is applied to produce cigarettes sheets.

The Specific Chemical Characteristic of Locust Gum Powder Helps to Decide over Industrial Applications

When combined with other gum products, locust um powder can form into elastic gels. This method is then applied to increase the stability and elasticity of other gum powders such as kappa carrageenan and agar agar as well.

Types of Recommended Preservatives used in Processing Locust Gum Granule

Preserving the granules until it reaches the application end is more important. Though preservatives like benzoic acid, sodium propionate and propyl parahydroxybenzoate are usually added to keep the granule free from bacterial growth, yet it is recommended to check the percentage of preservative before investing.

How to fix a locust bean gum powder supplier?

Indian market leads the role in processing and supplying bean seed gum powder. However, choosing an experience company who strictly adhere to the regulations in manufacturing, packaging and supplying aspects will stay a safe option. Altrafine is one of the leading companies who produce as well as export quality food grade and industrial grade bean gum powder.


Locust bean gum powder is applied in wide range of industries. Unlike other gum powder varieties that are mainly applied in food industry, gum granule of locust bean is in large demand worldwide for its multiple properties. Altrafine offers pure quality of locust gum granule and leads the market in supplying excellent grade of gum granules for industrial utilities.

This Article has been written & posted by Ajit Patel.

Altrafine Blog