Altrafine Blog


Forms in Which Guar Gum is Available Today in The Market

The guar gum is extracted from the seeds of the guar plant. It is a very popular industrial raw material that is used in very … Continue reading →...

Food in Which Guar Gum Powder is Used and Why?

Why and in Which Food Products Guar Gum is used? Guar gum is obtained from dehusking, milling and screening of guar seeds. The guar plant … Continue...

Properties that Make Guar Gum useful Product for Commercial & Food Industries

Guar Gum and its Properties that Make it a Useful Product for Use in Food & Commercial Industries Guar gum is a product of the … Continue reading...

About the Invaluable Applications of Guar Gum Powder in Different Industries

Guar gum is extracted from the guar plant’s endosperm.  The gum is extracted from legume plant and contains high rate of molecular carbohydrate. The total...

Fenugreek Gum Powder and Its Uses

Properties of Fenugreek Gum Powder The fenugreek gum powder is tasteless and odourless. It contains galactomannan which is a polysaccharide made of galactose...

Guar Gum Powder and Its Uses

Guar gum is a fiber extracted from the seeds of guar plant. It is an important product for several industrial applications including food, feed, pet …...

Cassia Gum Powder and Its Synergy with Uses

Gel (synergy) with Carrageenan or Xanthan Gum Cassia gum forms firm, thermoplastic gels with carrageenan. As the level of cassia gum is increased, the gel...

Fast Hydration Guar Gum Powder

The natural fast hydrating, dispersible and diesel slurriable guar gum is ideally suitable for all rheological requirements of oil well drilling, continuous...

Sesbania Gum Powder and its Uses

Nowadays a wide range of gum powders are used for a variety of purposes. These gum powders also comprise of the sesbania gum powder. Sesbania … Continue...
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