Altrafine Blog

Comparing Gel Performance of Cassia Tora with Other Gum Powders

   October 28, 2014    Altrafine Gums

Gelling Property of Cassia Tora-The Reason for its Uniqueness

Galactomannan present in plant seeds is the key factor that works out effectively when converted to gum powder. Cassia tora contains supreme quality and quantity of galactomannan which works uniquely than the galactomannan of other seed gums. In addition to that, cassia gum with anionic good gum produces considerable effect on the synergy of food grade thus restricts synergistic gelling effect when combines with anionic polymers. Due to this even adding relatively smaller amount of cassia tora gum powder can produce excellent gelling property. As a result of this cassia tora gum powder is considered as a cost effective and reliable source for producing gelling effect when applied in small amount when compared to the need for larger amount of carrageenan and other sources.

Functional Performance of Cassia Tora Gelling Property with Other Gum Powders

Professor Symon M. Mahungu and Mrs Inge Meyland observes that the gelling effect of cassia tora gum powder can be explained in details with more experimental proofs to show how exclusive cassia tora gum remains better option than other seed gum powders when applied to obtain fast and cost effective gelling. They have also framed chart and graphic representation to explain about the gelling property and break strength of cassia tora with other gum powders.

Functional Performance of Cassia Tora Gelling Property with Other Gum Powders

Inner Gel Strength and Break Strength in milk

When combined with other gum powders cassia tora exhibits different amount of gelling capacity. For example,

  • Inner Gel Strength (IGS) and Break Strength (BS) of Cassia Carrageenan in comparison with locust bean gum and other carrageenan gels vary significantly.
  • The galactomannan present in the refined cassia gum powder is unique with that of others such as locust bean or guar gum as it contains comparatively lesser galactose molecules and long mannose chain.
  • The above property of refined cassia gum allows it to produce considerable effect on the synergy of food grade cassia gum when combined with xanthan or carrageenan.
  • When compared to other gum powders xanthan and carrageenan when combined with cassia gum produces considerable effect on the food grade gum powder synergy.
  • Xnathan and carrageenan are anionc food gums which produced synergetic gelling effect due to the presence of higher amount of galactose chains present in cassia tora gum powder.
  • Replacing cassia gum in the place of carrageenan or locust bean galactomannan it is experimentally proved that the amount of hydrocolloid is reduced considerably.
  • Research professionals observe

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Written by Ajit Patel

This article has been posted by Ajit Patel.

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